# Tricapped Triangular Bipyramid. # A beautiful set of 11 pts in 3-D which is not a 3-design. # (in fact it is only a spherical 1-design); n:=3: N:=11: r:=1/sqrt(5); t:=r; s:=sqrt(3)*r; d:=r; b:=-2*d; a[1]:=[0,0,1]; a[2]:=[0,0,-1]; a[3]:=[1,0,0]; a[4]:=[-1/2,sqrt(3)/2,0]; a[5]:=[-1/2,-sqrt(3)/2,0]; a[6]:=[r,s,t]; a[7]:=[r,-s,t]; a[8]:=[r,s,-t]; a[9]:=[r,-s,-t]; a[10]:=[b,0,d]; a[11]:=[b,0,-d]; e1:=r^2+s^2+t^2-1; with(linalg): dist:=proc(x,y) expand(dotprod(a[x]-a[y],a[x]-a[y])); end; > for i from 1 to 11 do print(evalf(a[i])); od; [0, 0, 1.] [0, 0, -1.] [1., 0, 0] [-.5000000000000000, .8660254037844385, 0] [-.5000000000000000, -.8660254037844385, 0] [.4472135954999580, .7745966692414834, .4472135954999580] [.4472135954999580, -.7745966692414834, .4472135954999580] [.4472135954999580, .7745966692414834, -.4472135954999580] [.4472135954999580, -.7745966692414834, -.4472135954999580] [-.8944271909999160, 0, .4472135954999580] [-.8944271909999160, 0, -.4472135954999580]