Bibliography of Claude Elwood Shannon

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To the best of our knowledge, this list contains every (published or unpublished) document written by Claude Shannon. It appears in the book we edited, Shannon's Collected Papers. The comments after each item indicate which section (if any) of the book contains the item.

We thank Patt Leonard of the Univ. Illinois Press for supplying information about some translations of Item 38 of which we were unaware.

Last modified May 2 1998.

  1. ``A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits,'' Transactions American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Vol. 57 (1938), pp. 713-723. (Received March 1, 1938.) Included in Part B.
  2. Letter to Vannevar Bush, Feb. 16, 1939. Printed in F.-W. Hagemeyer, Die Entstehung von Informationskonzepten in der Nachrichtentechnik: eine Fallstudie zur Theoriebildung in der Technik in Industrie- und Kriegsforschung [The Origin of Information Theory Concepts in Communication Technology: Case Study for Engineering Theory-Building in Industrial and Military Research], Doctoral Dissertation, Free Univ. Berlin, Nov. 8, 1979, 570 pp. Included in Part A.
  3. ``An Algebra for Theoretical Genetics,'' Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 15, 1940, 69 pp. Included in Part C.
  4. ``A Theorem on Color Coding,'' Memorandum 40-130-153, July 8, 1940, Bell Laboratories. Superseded by ``A Theorem on Coloring the Lines of a Network.'' Not included.
  5. ``The Use of the Lakatos-Hickman Relay in a Subscriber Sender,'' Memorandum MM 40-130-179, August 3, 1940, Bell Laboratories, 7 pp. + 8 figs. Abstract only included in Part B.
  6. ``Mathematical Theory of the Differential Analyzer,'' Journal of Mathematics and Physics, Vol. 20 (1941), pp. 337-354. Included in Part B.
  7. ``A Study of the Deflection Mechanism and Some Results on Rate Finders,'' Report to National Defense Research Committee, Div. 7-311-M1, circa April, 1941, 37 pp. + 15 figs. Abstract only included in Part B.
  8. ``Backlash in Overdamped Systems,'' Report to National Defense Research Committee, Princeton Univ., May 14, 1941, 6 pp. Abstract only included in Part B.
  9. ``A Height Data Smoothing Mechanism,'' Report to National Defense Research Committee, Div. 7-313.2-M1, Princeton Univ., May 26, 1941, 9 pp. + 9 figs. Not included.
  10. ``The Theory of Linear Differential and Smoothing Operators,'' Report to National Defense Research Committee, Div. 7-313.1-M1, Princeton Univ., June 8, 1941, 11 pp. Not included.
  11. ``Some Experimental Results on the Deflection Mechanism,'' Report to National Defense Research Committee, Div. 7-311-M1, June 26, 1941, 11 pp. Abstract only included in Part B.
  12. ``Criteria for Consistency and Uniqueness in Relay Circuits,'' Typescript, Sept. 8, 1941, 5 pp. + 3 figs. Not included.
  13. ``The Theory and Design of Linear Differential Equation Machines,'' Report to the Services 20, Div. 7-311-M2, Jan. 1942, Bell Laboratories, 73 pp. + 30 figs. Included in Part B.
  14. (With John Riordan) ``The Number of Two-Terminal Series-Parallel Networks,'' Journal of Mathematics and Physics, Vol. 21 (August, 1942), pp. 83-93. Included in Part B.
  15. ``Analogue of the Vernam System for Continuous Time Series,'' Memorandum MM 43-110-44, May 10, 1943, Bell Laboratories, 4 pp. + 4 figs. Included in Part A.
  16. (With W. Feller) ``On the Integration of the Ballistic Equations on the Aberdeen Analyzer,'' Applied Mathematics Panel Report No. 28.1, National Defense Research Committee, July 15, 1943, 9 pp. Not included.
  17. ``Pulse Code Modulation,'' Memorandum MM 43-110-43, December 1, 1943, Bell Laboratories. Not included.
  18. ``Feedback Systems with Periodic Loop Closure,'' Memorandum MM 44-110-32, March 16, 1944, Bell Laboratories. Not included.
  19. ``Two New Circuits for Alternate Pulse Counting,'' Typescript, May 29, 1944, Bell Laboratories, 2 pp. + 3 Figs. Not included.
  20. ``Counting Up or Down With Pulse Counters,'' Typescript, May 31, 1944, Bell Laboratories, 1 p. + 1 fig. Not included.
  21. (With B. M. Oliver) ``Circuits for a P.C.M. Transmitter and Receiver,'' Memorandum MM 44-110-37, June 1, 1944, Bell Laboratories, 4 pp., 11 figs. Abstract only included in Part A.
  22. ``The Best Detection of Pulses,'' Memorandum MM 44-110-28, June 22, 1944, Bell Laboratories, 3 pp. Included in Part A.
  23. ``Pulse Shape to Minimize Bandwidth With Nonoverlapping Pulses,'' Typescript, August 4, 1944, Bell Laboratories, 4 pp. Not included.
  24. ``A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography,'' Memorandum MM 45-110-02, Sept. 1, 1945, Bell Laboratories, 114 pp. + 25 figs. Superseded by the following paper. Not included.
  25. ``Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems,'' Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 28 (1949), pp. 656-715. ``The material in this paper appeared originally in a confidential report `A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography', dated Sept. 1, 1945, which has now been declassified.'' Included in Part A.
  26. ``Mixed Statistical Determinate Systems,'' Typescript, Sept. 19, 1945, Bell Laboratories, 17 pp. Not included.
  27. (With R. B. Blackman and H. W. Bode) ``Data Smoothing and Prediction in Fire-Control Systems,'' Summary Technical Report, Div. 7, National Defense Research Committee, Vol. 1, Gunfire Control, Washington, DC, 1946, pp. 71-159 and 166-167. AD 200795. Also in National Military Establishment Research and Development Board, Report #13 MGC 12/1, August 15, 1948. Superseded by [51] and by R. B. Blackman, Linear Data-Smoothing and Prediction in Theory and Practice, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1965. Not included.
  28. (With B. M. Oliver) ``Communication System Employing Pulse Code Modulation,'' Patent 2,801,281. Filed Feb. 21, 1946, granted July 30, 1957. Not included.
  29. (With B. D. Holbrook) ``A Sender Circuit For Panel or Crossbar Telephone Systems,'' Patent application circa 1946, application dropped April 13, 1948. Not included.
  30. (With C. L. Dolph) ``The Transient Behavior of a Large Number of Four-Terminal Unilateral Linear Networks Connected in Tandem,'' Memorandum MM 46-110-49, April 10, 1946, Bell Laboratories, 34 pp. + 16 figs. Abstract only included in Part B.
  31. ``Electronic Methods in Telephone Switching,'' Typescript, October 17, 1946, Bell Laboratories, 5 pp. + 1 fig. Not included.
  32. ``Some Generalizations of the Sampling Theorem,'' Typescript, March 4, 1948, 5 pp. + 1 fig. Not included.
  33. (With J. R. Pierce and J. W. Tukey) ``Cathode-Ray Device,'' Patent 2,576,040. Filed March 10, 1948, granted Nov. 20, 1951. Not included.
  34. ``The Normal Ergodic Ensembles of Functions,'' Typescript, March 15, 1948, 5 pp. Not included.
  35. ``Systems Which Approach the Ideal as P/N -> infinity,'' Typescript, March 15, 1948, 2 pp. Not included.
  36. ``Theorems on Statistical Sequences,'' Typescript, March 15, 1948, 8 pp. Not included.
  37. ``A Mathematical Theory of Communication,'' Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 27 (July and October 1948), pp. 379-423 and 623-656. Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  38. (With Warren Weaver) The Mathematical Theory of Communication, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL, 1949, vi + 117 pp. Reprinted (and repaginated) 1963. The section by Shannon is essentially identical to the previous item. Not included.
  39. (With Warren Weaver)
  40. (With B. M. Oliver and J. R. Pierce) ``The Philosophy of PCM,'' Proceedings Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 36 (1948), pp. 1324-1331. (Received May 24, 1948.) Included in Part A.
  41. ``Samples of Statistical English,'' Typescript, June 11, 1948, Bell Laboratories, 3 pp. Not included.
  42. ``Network Rings,'' Typescript, June 11, 1948, Bell Laboratories, 26 pp. + 4 figs. Included in Part B.
  43. ``Communication in the Presence of Noise,'' Proceedings Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 37 (1949), pp. 10-21. (Received July 23, 1940 [1948?].) Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Reprinted in Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Vol. 72 (1984), pp. 1192-1201. Included in Part A.
  44. ``A Theorem on Coloring the Lines of a Network,'' Journal of Mathematics and Physics, Vol. 28 (1949), pp. 148-151. (Received Sept. 14, 1948.) Included in Part B.
  45. ``Significance and Application [of Communication Research],'' Symposium on Communication Research, 11-13 October, 1948, Research and Development Board, Department of Defense, Washington, DC, pp. 14-23, 1948. Not included.
  46. ``Note on Certain Transcendental Numbers,'' Typescript, October 27, 1948, Bell Laboratories, 1 p. Not included.
  47. ``A Case of Efficient Coding for a Very Noisy Channel,'' Typescript, Nov. 18, 1948, Bell Laboratories, 2 pp. Not included.
  48. ``Note on Reversing a Discrete Markhoff Process,'' Typescript, Dec. 6 1948, Bell Laboratories, 2 pp. + 2 Figs. Not included.
  49. ``Information Theory,'' Typescript of abstract of talk for American Statistical Society, 1949, 5 pp. Not included.
  50. ``The Synthesis of Two-Terminal Switching Circuits,'' Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 28 (Jan., 1949), pp. 59-98. Included in Part B.
  51. (With H. W. Bode) ``A Simplified Derivation of Linear Least Squares Smoothing and Prediction Theory,'' Proceedings Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 38 (1950), pp. 417-425. (Received July 13, 1949.) Included in Part B.
  52. ``Review of Transformations on Lattices and Structures of Logic by Stephen A. Kiss,'' Proceedings Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 37 (1949), p. 1163. Included in Part B.
  53. ``Review of Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine by Norbert Wiener,'' Proceedings Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 37 (1949), p. 1305. Included in Part B.
  54. ``Programming a Computer for Playing Chess,'' Philosophical Magazine, Series 7, Vol. 41 (No. 314, March 1950), pp. 256-275. (Received Nov. 8, 1949.) Reprinted in D. N. L. Levy, editor, Computer Chess Compendium, Springer-Verlag, NY, 1988. Included in Part B.
  55. ``A Chess-Playing Machine,'' Scientific American, Vol. 182 (No. 2, February 1950), pp. 48-51. Reprinted in The World of Mathematics, edited by James R. Newman, Simon and Schuster, NY, Vol. 4, 1956, pp. 2124-2133. Included in Part B.
  56. ``Memory Requirements in a Telephone Exchange,'' Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 29 (1950), pp. 343-349. (Received Dec. 7, 1949.) Included in Part B.
  57. ``A Symmetrical Notation for Numbers,'' American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 57 (Feb., 1950), pp. 90-93. Included in Part B.
  58. ``Proof of an Integration Formula,'' Typescript, circa 1950, Bell Laboratories, 2 pp. Not included.
  59. ``A Digital Method of Transmitting Information,'' Typescript, no date, circa 1950, Bell Laboratories, 3 pp. Not included.
  60. ``Communication Theory \(em Exposition of Fundamentals,'' in ``Report of Proceedings, Symposium on Information Theory, London, Sept., 1950,'' Institute of Radio Engineers, Transactions on Information Theory, No. 1 (February, 1953), pp. 44-47. Included in Part A.
  61. ``General Treatment of the Problem of Coding,'' in ``Report of Proceedings, Symposium on Information Theory, London, Sept., 1950,'' Institute of Radio Engineers, Transactions on Information Theory, No. 1 (February, 1953), pp. 102-104. Included in Part A.
  62. ``The Lattice Theory of Information,'' in ``Report of Proceedings, Symposium on Information Theory, London, Sept., 1950,'' Institute of Radio Engineers, Transactions on Information Theory, No. 1 (February, 1953), pp. 105-107. Included in Part A.
  63. (With E. C. Cherry, S. H. Moss, Dr. Uttley, I. J. Good, W. Lawrence and W. P. Anderson) ``Discussion of Preceding Three Papers,'' in ``Report of Proceedings, Symposium on Information Theory, London, Sept., 1950,'' Institute of Radio Engineers, Transactions on Information Theory, No. 1 (February, 1953), pp. 169-174. Included in Part A.
  64. ``Review of Description of a Relay Computer, by the Staff of the [Harvard] Computation Laboratory,'' Proceedings Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 38 (1950), p. 449. Included in Part B.
  65. ``Recent Developments in Communication Theory,'' Electronics, Vol. 23 (April, 1950), pp. 80-83. Included in Part A.
  66. German translation of [65], in Tech. Mitt. P.T.T., Bern, Vol. 28 (1950), pp. 337-342. Not included.
  67. ``A Method of Power or Signal Transmission To a Moving Vehicle,'' Memorandum for Record, July 19, 1950, Bell Laboratories, 2 pp. + 4 figs. Included in Part B.
  68. ``Some Topics in Information Theory,'' in Proceedings International Congress of Mathematicians (Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 30 - Sept. 6, 1950) , American Mathematical Society, Vol. II (1952), pp. 262-263. Included in Part A.
  69. ``Prediction and Entropy of Printed English,'' Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 30 (1951), pp. 50-64. (Received Sept. 15, 1950.) Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  70. ``Presentation of a Maze Solving Machine,'' in Cybernetics: Circular, Causal and Feedback Mechanisms in Biological and Social Systems, Transactions Eighth Conference, March 15-16, 1951, New York, N. Y., edited by H. von Foerster, M. Mead and H. L. Teuber, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, New York, 1952, pp. 169-181. Included in Part B.
  71. ``Control Apparatus,'' Patent application Aug. 1951, dropped Jan. 21, 1954. Not included.
  72. ``Creative Thinking,'' Typescript, March 20, 1952, Bell Laboratories, 10 pp. Not included.
  73. ``A Mind-Reading (?) Machine,'' Typescript, March 18, 1953, Bell Laboratories, 4 pp. Included in Part B.
  74. (With E. F. Moore) ``The Relay Circuit Analyzer,'' Memorandum MM 53-1400-9, March 31, 1953, Bell Laboratories, 14 pp. + 4 figs. Abstract only included in Part B.
  75. ``The Potentialities of Computers,'' Typescript, April 3, 1953, Bell Laboratories. Included in Part B.
  76. ``Throbac I,'' Typescript, April 9, 1953, Bell Laboratories, 5 pp. Included in Part B.
  77. ``Throbac \(en Circuit Operation,'' Typescript, April 9, 1953, Bell Laboratories, 7 pp. Not included.
  78. ``Tower of Hanoi,'' Typescript, April 20, 1953, Bell Laboratories, 4 pp. Not included.
  79. (With E. F. Moore) ``Electrical Circuit Analyzer,'' Patent 2,776,405. Filed May 18, 1953, granted Jan. 1, 1957. Not included.
  80. (With E. F. Moore) ``Machine Aid for Switching Circuit Design,'' Proceedings Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 41 (1953), pp. 1348-1351. (Received May 28, 1953.) Included in Part B.
  81. ``Mathmanship or How to Give an Explicit Solution Without Actually Solving the Problem,'' Typescript, June 3, 1953, Bell Laboratories, 2 pp. Not included.
  82. ``Computers and Automata,'' Proceedings Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 41 (1953), pp. 1234-1241. (Received July 17, 1953.) Reprinted in Methodos, Vol. 6 (1954), pp. 115-130. Included in Part B.
  83. ``Realization of All 16 Switching Functions of Two Variables Requires 18 Contacts,'' Memorandum MM 53-1400-40, November 17, 1953, Bell Laboratories, 4 pp. + 2 figs. Included in Part B.
  84. (With E. F. Moore) ``The Relay Circuit Synthesizer,'' Memorandum MM 53-140-52, November 30, 1953, Bell Laboratories, 26 pp. + 5 figs. Abstract only included in Part B.
  85. (With D. W. Hagelbarger) ``A Relay Laboratory Outfit for Colleges,'' Memorandum MM 54-114-17, January 10, 1954, Bell Laboratories. Included in Part B.
  86. ``Efficient Coding of a Binary Source With One Very Infrequent Symbol,'' Memorandum MM 54-114-7, January 29, 1954, Bell Laboratories. Included in Part A.
  87. ``Bounds on the Derivatives and Rise Time of a Band and Amplitude Limited Signal,'' Typescript, April 8, 1954, Bell Laboratories, 6 pp. + 1 Fig. Not included.
  88. (With Edward F. Moore) ``Reliable Circuits Using Crummy Relays,'' Memorandum 54-114-42, Nov. 29, 1954, Bell Laboratories. Published as the following two items.
  89. (With Edward F. Moore) ``Reliable Circuits Using Less Reliable Relays I,'' Journal Franklin Institute, Vol. 262 (Sept., 1956), pp. 191-208. Included in Part B.
  90. (With Edward F. Moore) ``Reliable Circuits Using Less Reliable Relays II,'' Journal Franklin Institute, Vol. 262 (Oct., 1956), pp. 281-297. Included in Part B.
  91. (Edited jointly with John McCarthy) Automata Studies, Annals of Mathematics Studies Number 34, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1956, ix + 285 pp. The Preface, Table of Contents, and the two papers by Shannon are included in Part B.
  92. (With John McCarthy), Studien zur Theorie der Automaten, Munich, 1974. (German translation of the preceding work.)
  93. ``A Universal Turing Machine With Two Internal States,'' Memorandum 54-114-38, May 15, 1954, Bell Laboratories. Published in Automata Studies, pp. 157-165. Included in Part B.
  94. (With Karel de Leeuw, Edward F. Moore and N. Shapiro) ``Computability by Probabilistic Machines,'' Memorandum 54-114-37, Oct. 21, 1954, Bell Laboratories. Published in [87], pp. 183-212. Included in Part B.
  95. ``Concavity of Transmission Rate as a Function of Input Probabilities,'' Memorandum MM 55-114-28, June 8, 1955, Bell Laboratories. Abstract only is included in Part A.
  96. ``Some Results on Ideal Rectifier Circuits,'' Memorandum MM 55-114-29, June 8, 1955, Bell Laboratories. Included in Part B.
  97. ``The Simultaneous Synthesis of $s$ Switching Functions of $n$ Variables,'' Memorandum MM 55-114-30, June 8, 1955, Bell Laboratories. Included in Part B.
  98. (With D. W. Hagelbarger) ``Concavity of Resistance Functions,'' Journal Applied Physics, Vol. 27 (1956), pp. 42-43. (Received August 1, 1955.) Included in Part B.
  99. ``Game Playing Machines,'' Journal Franklin Institute, Vol. 260 (1955), pp. 447-453. (Delivered Oct. 19, 1955.) Included in Part B.
  100. ``Information Theory,'' Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, IL, 14th Edition, 1968 printing, Vol. 12, pp. 246B-249. (Written circa 1955.) Included in Part A.
  101. ``Cybernetics,'' Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, IL, 14th Edition, 1968 printing, Vol. 12. (Written circa 1955.) Not included.
  102. ``The Rate of Approach to Ideal Coding (Abstract),'' Proceedings Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 43 (1955), p. 356. Included in Part A.
  103. ``The Bandwagon (Editorial),'' Institute of Radio Engineers, Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-2 (March, 1956), p. 3. Included in Part A.
  104. ``Information Theory,'' Seminar Notes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1956 and succeeding years. Not included. Contains the following sections:

    ``A skeleton key to the information theory notes,'' 3 pp.
    ``Bounds on the tails of martingales and related questions,'' 19 pp.
    ``Some useful inequalities for distribution functions,'' 3 pp.
    ``A lower bound on the tail of a distribution,'' 9 pp.
    ``A combinatorial theorem,'' 1 p.
    ``Some results on determinants,'' 3 pp.
    ``Upper and lower bounds for powers of a matrix with non-negative elements,'' 3 pp.
    ``The number of sequences of a given length,'' 3 pp.
    ``Characteristic for a language with independent letters,'' 4 pp.
    ``The probability of error in optimal codes,'' 5 pp.
    ``Zero error codes and the zero error capacity $C_0$,'' 10 pp.
    ``Lower bound for $P_ef$ for a completely connected channel with feedback,'' 1 p.
    ``A lower bound for $P_e$ when $R > C$,'' 2 pp.
    ``A lower bound for $P_e$,'' 2 pp.
    ``Lower bound with one type of input and many types of output,'' 3 pp.
    ``Application of `sphere-packing' bounds to feedback case,'' 8 pp.
    ``A result for the memoryless feedback channel,'' 1 p.
    ``Continuity of $P_{e opt }$ as a function of transition probabilities,'' 1 p.
    ``Codes of a fixed composition,'' 1 p.
    ``Relation of $P_e$ to $rho$,'' 2 pp.
    ``Bound on $P_e$ for random ode by simple threshold argument,'' 4 pp.
    ``A bound on $P_e$ for a random code,'' 3 pp.
    ``The Feinstein bound,'' 2 pp.
    ``Relations between probability and minimum word separation,'' 4 pp.
    ``Inequalities for decodable codes,'' 3 pp.
    ``Convexity of channel capacity as a function of transition probabilities,'' 1 pp.
    ``A geometric interpretation of channel capacity,'' 6 pp.
    ``Log moment generating function for the square of a Gaussian variate,'' 2 pp.
    ``Upper bound on $P_e$ for Gaussian channel by expurgated random code,'' 2 pp.
    ``Lower bound on $P_e$ in Gaussian channel by minimum distance argument,'' 2 pp.
    ``The sphere packing bound for the Gaussian power limited channel,'' 4 pp.
    ``The $T$-terminal channel,'' 7 pp.
    ``Conditions for constant mutual information,'' 2 pp.
    ``The central limit theorem with large deviations,'' 6 pp.
    ``The Chernoff inequality,'' 2 pp.
    ``Upper and lower bounds on the tails of distributions,'' 4 pp.
    ``Asymptotic behavior of the distribution function,'' 5 pp.
    ``Generalized Chebycheff and Chernoff inequalities,'' 1 p.
    ``Channels with side information at the transmitter,'' 13 pp.
    ``Some miscellaneous results in coding theory,'' 15 pp.
    ``Error probability bounds for noisy channels,'' 20 pp.

  105. ``Reliable Machines from Unreliable Components,'' notes of five lectures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Spring 1956, 24 pp. Not included.
  106. ``The Portfolio Problem, and How to Pay the Forecaster,'' lecture notes taken by W. W. Peterson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Spring, 1956, 8 pp. Not included.
  107. ``Notes on Relation of Error Probability to Delay in a Noisy Channel,'' notes of a lecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Aug. 30, 1956, 3 pp. Not included.
  108. ``Notes on the Kelly Betting Theory of Noisy Information,'' notes of a lecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Aug. 31, 1956, 2 pp. Not included.
  109. ``The Zero Error Capacity of a Noisy Channel,'' Institute of Radio Engineers, Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-2 (September, 1956), pp. S8-S19. Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  110. (With Peter Elias and Amiel Feinstein) ``A Note on the Maximum Flow Through a Network,'' Institute of Radio Engineers, Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-2 (December, 1956), pp. 117-119. (Received July 11, 1956.) Included in Part B.
  111. ``Certain Results in Coding Theory for Noisy Channels,'' Information and Control, Vol. 1 (1957), pp. 6-25. (Received April 22, 1957.) Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  112. ``Geometrische Deutung einiger Ergebnisse bei die Berechnung der Kanal Capazita\*:t'' [Geometrical meaning of some results in the calculation of channel capacity], Nachrichtentechnische Zeit. (N.T.Z.), Vol. 10 (No. 1, January 1957), pp. 1-4. Not included, since the English version is included.
  113. ``Some Geometrical Results in Channel Capacity,'' Verband Deutsche Elektrotechniker Fachber., Vol. 19 (II) (1956), pp. 13-15 $=$ Nachrichtentechnische Fachber. (N.T.F.), Vol. 6 (1957). English version of the preceding work. Included in Part A.
  114. ``Von Neumann's Contribution to Automata Theory,'' Bulletin American Mathematical Society, Vol. 64 (No. 3, Part 2, 1958), pp. 123-129. (Received Feb. 10, 1958.) Included in Part B.
  115. ``A Note on a Partial Ordering for Communication Channels,'' Information and Control, Vol. 1 (1958), pp. 390-397. (Received March 24, 1958.) Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  116. ``Channels With Side Information at the Transmitter,'' IBM Journal Research and Development, Vol. 2 (1958), pp. 289-293. (Received Sept. 15, 1958.) Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  117. ``Probability of Error for Optimal Codes in a Gaussian Channel,'' Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 38 (1959), pp. 611-656. (Received Oct. 17, 1958.) Included in Part A.
  118. ``Coding Theorems for a Discrete Source With a Fidelity Criterion,'' Institute of Radio Engineers, International Convention Record, Vol. 7 (Part 4, 1959), pp. 142-163. Reprinted with changes in Information and Decision Processes, edited by R. E. Machol, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1960, pp. 93-126. Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  119. ``Two-Way Communication Channels,'' in Proceedings Fourth Berkeley Symposium Probability and Statistics, June 20 - July 30, 1960 , edited by J. Neyman, Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, CA, Vol. 1, 1961, pp. 611-644. Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  120. ``Computers and Automation \(em Progress and Promise in the Twentieth Century,'' Man, Science, Learning and Education. The Semicentennial Lectures at Rice University , edited by S. W. Higginbotham, Supplement 2 to Vol. XLIX, Rice University Studies, Rice Univ., 1963, pp. 201-211. Included in Part B.
  121. Papers in Information Theory and Cybernetics (in Russian), Izd. Inostr. Lit., Moscow, 1963, 824 pp. Edited by R. L. Dobrushin and O. B. Lupanova, preface by A. N. Kolmogorov. Contains Russian translations of [1], [6], [14], [25], [37], [40], [43], [44], [50], [51], [54]-[56], [65], [68]-[70], [80], [82], [89], [90], [93], [94], [99], [103], [109]-[111], [113]-[119]. .ig B121 U61
  122. (With R. G. Gallager and E. R. Berlekamp) ``Lower Bounds to Error Probability for Coding on Discrete Memoryless Channels I,'' Information and Control, Vol. 10 (1967), pp. 65-103. (Received Jan. 18, 1966.) Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  123. (With R. G. Gallager and E. R. Berlekamp) ``Lower Bounds to Error Probability for Coding on Discrete Memoryless Channels II,'' Information and Control, Vol. 10 (1967), pp. 522-552. (Received Jan. 18, 1966.) Reprinted in D. Slepian, editor, Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory, IEEE Press, NY, 1974. Included in Part A.
  124. ``The Fourth-Dimensional Twist, or a Modest Proposal in Aid of the American Driver in England,'' typescript, All Souls College, Oxford, Trinity term, 1978, 7 pp. + 8 figs. Not included.
  125. ``Claude Shannon's No-Drop Juggling Diorama,'' Juggler's World, Vol. 34 (March, 1982), pp. 20-22. Included in Part B.
  126. ``Scientific Aspects of Juggling,'' Typescript, circa 1980. Included in Part B.
  127. ``A Rubric on Rubik Cubics,'' Typescript, circa 1982, 6 pp. Not included.

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