Acta Crystallographica Section A, Volume A52 (1996), pages 879-889.

Algebraic Description of Coordination Sequences and Exact Topological Densities for Zeolites

R.W. Grosse-Kunstleve1 & G.O. Brunner
Laboratory of Crystallography, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland

N.J.A. Sloane
Mathematical Sciences Research Center, AT&T Research, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974, USA


Coordination sequences have been calculated for all approved zeolite topologies, all dense SiO2 polymorphs and 16 selected non-tetrahedral structures, and the algebraic structure of these CS's has been analyzed. Two algebraic descriptions of coordination sequences are presented. One description uses periodic sets of quadratic equations and is already established in the literature. The second description employs generating functions which are well known in combinatorics, but are used here for the first time in connection with coordination sequences. The algebraic analysis based on generating functions turns out to be more powerful then the other approach. Based on the algebraic analyses, exact topological densities are derived and tabulated for all the structures investigated. In addition, "n-dimensional sodalite" is observed to have an especially simple n-dimensional graph.


The notion of coordination sequence (CS) was formally introduced by Brunner & Laves (1971) in order to investigate the topological identity of frameworks and of atomic positions within a framework. The CS is a number sequence in which the k-th term is the number of atoms in "shell" k that are bonded to atoms in "shell" k-1. Shell 0 consists of a single atom, and the number of atoms in the first shell is the conventional coordination number.

The CS is now routinely used to characterize crystallographic structures (Meier & Möck, 1979, Atlas of Zeolite Structure Types, 1992 & 1996, Fischer 1973 & 1974) and even higher-dimensional sphere packings (Conway & Sloane, 1995, 1996). Other applications are to the determination of topological density, which can be obtained from the partial sums of terms in the CS. This density is correlated with other parameters such as lattice energy (Akporiaye & Price, 1989), the distribution of particular elements (Herrero, 1993), catalytic activity (Barthomeuf, 1993), and is useful for predicting of properties of synthetic zeolites (Brunner, 1979).

In an abstract sense, the CS describes the growth of a crystal, and was therefore initially called the "growth series" (Brunner & Laves, 1971). Previous investigations (Brunner, 1979, Herrero, 1994, Schumacher, 1994, O'Keeffe, 1991a) have shown that in some cases the terms in the CS increase quadratically with k, but up to now investigations were restricted to specific examples. In view of the increasing applications of the CS, up to 2000 terms have now been calculated for all approved zeolites topologies, as well as for all dense SiO2 polymorphs and 16 selected non-tetrahedral structures, and the algebraic structure of these CS's has been analyzed.

The crystal structures investigated

The majority of the zeolite structures investigated in this work are listed in the Atlas of Zeolite Structure Types (1992 & 1996)2. All the zeolite topologies will be referred to by their three-letter codes. For example, Melanophlogite has code MEP. Coordination sequences for structures with more than one crystallographic site are referred to by the three-letter code followed by the site label of the atlas. For example, the zeolite Mazzite has two distinct sites (both tetrahedrally coordinated atoms) which are denoted by MAZ T1 and MAZ T2.

The data for the twelve SiO2 polymorphs were taken from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD, 1986-1995). Table 1 lists the mineral names together with the ICSD collection codes.

Mineral ICSD collection code
Banalsite 4447
Coesite 18112
Cordierite 30947
Cristobalite 9327
Feldspar 100182
Keatite 34889
Milarite 71046
Moganite 67669
Paracelsian 24690
Quartz 31048
Scapolite 9502
Tridymite 29343
Table 1 : ICSD collection codes

For a comparison, 16 non-tetrahedral structure types having many chemical representatives have also been investigated. Table 2 gives the search codes for the corresponding entries in the Gmelin Handbook (TYPIX, 1994).

The coordination numbers of the zeolites and the dense SiO2 polymorphs are always four, with the exception of the six interrupted zeolite frameworks (indicated by a dash preceding the three-letter code) which have a three- or twofold coordination for one of the sites. For the non-tetrahedral structures, Table 2 also gives the bond length limits and the resulting coordination numbers which were used in the calculations. For each of CaF2, NiAs and W, two different parameters were considered, leading to two different coordination numbers.

Formula TYPIX search code Bond length limit (Å) Coordination numbers
CaF2 (2) (225) cF12 2.5 4, 8
CaF2 (1) (225) cF12 3.5 8, 10
NaCl (225) cF8 3.0 6
FeS2-Marcasite (58) oP6 2.7 4, 6
FeS2-Pyrite (205) cP12 2.7 4, 6
NiAs (2) (194) hP4 2.5 6, 6
NiAs (1) (194) hP4 2.7 6, 8
Cu (225) cF4 2.7 12
Mg (194) hP2 3.5 12
W (2) (229) cI2 3.3 14
W (1) (229) cI2 2.8 8
-Nd (194) hP4 4.0 12
Ni2In (194) hP6 3.3 11, 14
-Mn (217) cI58 3.5 12, 13, 16
Cr3Si (223) cP8 3.5 12, 14
-CrFe (136) tP30 3.5 12, 14, 15
MgZn2 (194) hP12 3.5 12, 16
MgCu2 (227) cF24 3.5 12, 16
MgNi2 (194) hP24 3.5 12, 16
Table 2 : TYPIX search codes

Primary determination of coordination sequence:
A highly optimized node counting algorithm

In order to calculate the coordination sequence, the crystal structure, i.e. assembly of atoms, has to be abstracted to a mathematical topology (or graph) with nodes and certain bonds between nodes. In the case of zeolites and dense SiO2 phases, the tetrahedral positions are taken to be the nodes, and the bridging framework oxygen atoms are replaced by bonds. For other classes of materials, e.g. metals or intermetallic phases, all atoms represent nodes, and bonds are created in an appropriate neighborhood of each atom (see for example Brunner & Laves, 1971).

The CS determination algorithm used here can be described as a node counting or coordination shell algorithm. The algorithm is started (with k = 0) by selecting an initial node. At the next step (k = 1), all nodes bonded to the initial node are determined. For k 2, all characteristics of the algorithm become evident: those nodes, which are bonded to the "new nodes of the previous step (k-1)", but have not been counted before, are counted. This means that three sets of nodes for three topological distances (i.e. three coordination shells) have to be maintained: the middle (k-1) nodes, whose bonds are followed to determine the next (k) nodes, and the previous (k-2) nodes, to know which of the nodes bonded to the middle nodes have already been counted. The innermost shells with k < knext-2 are not needed and can be deleted since the nodes counted before are fully surrounded by shell k-2. In this way, the memory required grows only quadratically with k, whereas other algorithms presented in the literature (Herrero, 1994) have a cubic growth rate.

Another important feature of the algorithm is that a "hashing" lookup technique was used to determine whether a newly generated node - a candidate for the next shell - was already in the middle or previous shell. This increased the speed of the program by about three orders of magnitude.

Both optimizations, with respect to memory and to speed, were necessary: without them it would not have been possible to compute the several hundred to several thousand CS terms that were required for the analysis. Computing times were a matter of hours on a high-speed workstation.

Algebraic description I: Quadratic equations defining the topological density

It was already shown in the literature (Brunner, 1979, Herrero, 1994, Schumacher, 1994, O'Keeffe, 1991a) that in many cases the k-th term of the coordination sequence, Nk, increases quadratically with k (just as the surface of a sphere increases quadratically with its radius). A very simple example is SOD, where Nk = 2 k2 + 2 holds for all k. Brunner (1979) gives also a more typical example: for diamond, "the equation Nk = 2.5 k2 + 1.75 renders values too high by 0.25 if k is odd and too low by 0.25 if k is even". An exact description for all k is achieved by introducing a periodic set of quadratic equations:

Nk = 5/2 k2 + 3/2 for k = 2 n + 1, n = 0,1,2,...

Nk = 5/2 k2 + 2 for k = 2 n + 2, n = 0,1,2,...

For ABW, the equations involve both k2 and k:

Nk = 19/9 k2 + 1/9 k + 16/9 for k = 3 n + 1, n = 0,1,2,...

Nk = 19/9 k2 - 1/9 k + 16/9 for k = 3 n + 2, n = 0,1,2,...

Nk = 19/9 k2 - 0 k + 2 for k = 3 n + 3, n = 0,1,2,...

In general, all coordination sequences investigated in this study can be described exactly by a periodic set of quadratic equations of the form:


The number of equations, M, will be referred to as the period length. These equations hold for all k greater than or equal to some starting point k0.

Following a definition of O'Keeffe (1991a), we define the "exact topological density" (TD) to be the mean of the ai divided by the dimension ND of the crystal space (which is 3 for all results presented here):


As k increases, the effect of the linear and constant coefficients bi and ci on the CS decreases, and the quadratic coefficient ai dominates. The error in the approximation


vanishes for


Algebraic description II: Generating functions

The generating function (GF) for a coordination sequence (cf. Sloane & Plouffe, 1994)


often provides a more concise description than the quadratic equations given in (1). The generating functions for the sequences considered in this study have the form:


where IT is a set of order O(IT) "initial terms" and PL is a set of (not necessarily distinct) O(PL) "period lengths". The coefficients of the Taylor series expansion of the generating function then give the CS. For example, the GF for ABW is

First, the GF's for some simple zeolites were obtained by using the Maple GFUN package (Waterloo Maple Software, 1994, Salvy & Zimmermann, 1994). However, more complex cases were beyond the capabilities of GFUN, and an alternative approach was used. Note that the Taylor series expansion of a generating function of the form (5) can be obtained by the simple recursive reconstruction algorithm shown in Fig. 1. This produces the coordination sequence from the sets IT and PL.

Copy initial terms to N0...NO(IT)-1
Set NO(IT)...Nk_max = 0
For each i = 0 to O(PL)-1
....For each k = PL(i) to kmax
........Nk = Nk + Nk-PL(i)
Figure 1 : Recursive reconstruction algorithm

Conversely, given the set PL and a sufficient number of CS terms, the set IT can be obtained by multiplying the GF by the denominator of (5). This is accomplished by the recursive decomposition algorithm shown in Fig. 2.

Copy the CS terms to N0...Nk_max
For each i = 0...O(PL)-1
....For each k = kmax-1...PL(i) step -1
........Nk = Nk - Nk-PL(i)
Figure 2 : Recursive decomposition algorithm

Properties (P) and manipulations (M) of generating functions and connection with quadratic equations

(P1) The individual members of the set PL can be arranged in any order. This follows immediately from Eq. (5). On the other hand, the order of the elements of the set IT is important.

(P2) Extra period lengths can be adjoined to the set PL, at the cost of enlarging the set IT. This corresponds to multiplying both the numerator and denominator of Eq. (5) by factors 1-xn.

(P3) In some cases it is possible to reduce the set PL by cancellation of factors. APD T1 gives a simple example: with PL = { 21, 11, 8 } the set IT has 43 elements. However, with PL = { 11, 8, 7, 3 } the set IT has 32 elements. No further simplification is possible.

(M1) Reduction of set IT with enlargement of set PL:

Starting with initial sets IT/PL, two "compact" sets ITc/PLc are obtained with the algorithm shown in Fig. 3,

(a) Test if any element of PL can be omitted, by seeing if the
....corresponding term 1-xn divides the numerator of (5).
....If so, remove the element.
(b) Loop through the elements of PL.
....Call the current element the pivot element.
........Loop through all integer divisors of the pivot element
............Copy PL and divide the pivot element by the divisor
............Compute a large number of CS terms from the initial IT/PL
............Apply the recursive decomposition algorithm and do a
................linear period search to recover a potentially missing
................last period length
............Upon successful period search, restart with step (a)
Figure 3 : Reduction of set IT with enlargement of set PL
which is based on properties (P2) and (P3). This algorithm results in a set PLc, of which no element can be omitted or further factorized. (However, this algorithm does not always produce the "most compact" GF.)

For ITc/PLc the following relations hold for all CS's investigated:

(P4) Let ITc and PLc be the sets obtained with manipulation technique (M1). The starting point for the periodic set of quadratic equations can be taken to be the difference between the degrees of the numerator and denominator of (5), or in other words


(P5) Let ITc and PLc be the sets obtained with manipulation technique (M1). The least common multiple (LCM) of the elements of the set PLc equals the period length of the set of quadratic equations:

M = LCM(PLc) .

For example, for EUO T9 we have:

O(ITc) = 222

PLc = { 36, 26, 24, 23, 22, 21, 17, 14, 10, 8, 5 }

k0 = 222 - 206 = 16

M = 140900760

(M2) Reversal of (M1) - Reduction of set PL with enlargement of set IT:

The number of elements of an initial set PL can be reduced with the algorithm shown in Fig. 4. Using this algorithm, it was possible to modify the generating functions for all the CS's investigated so that in every case exactly three PL elements were required.

(a) Test if any element of PL can be omitted.
....If so, remove the element.
(b) Loop through all pairs of elements of PL
........Copy PL, omitting the current pair of elements
........Compute a large number of CS terms from the initial IT/PL
........Apply the RD algorithm and do a linear period search to
............recover a potentially missing last period length
........Upon successful period search, restart with step (b)
(c) Repeat (a) and (b) until no change occurs
Figure 4 : Reduction of set PL with enlargement of set IT

(M3) Finding upper bounds on the sub-period lengths of the coefficients ai, bi, ci of the set of quadratic equations:

Upper bounds on the sub-period lengths of the coefficients ai, bi, ci can be established with a very simple algorithm. Based on ITc/PLc, about 3·LCM(PLc) CS terms are computed. Next, the recursive decomposition algorithm is applied with PL = { LCM(PLc), LCM(PLc) }. With a linear period search in the resulting sequence, an upper bound pla on the sub-period length O(ai) is obtained. The process is repeated with PL = { LCM(PLc), pla } to obtain plb, and finally with PL = { pla, plb } to obtain plc.

For all sequences but those of GOO T3, JBW T1 & T2, TON T1 & T2, the Fe position of FeS2-Marcasite, and both position of CaF2(2), the bounds pla, plb and plc are exactly equal to the sub-period lengths O(ai), O(bi) and O(ci), respectively. For the exceptional cases (and of course also in general), the relations pla O(ai), plb O(bi) and plc O(ci) hold. Moreover, for all CS's the relation pla plb plc holds, and O(ai) O(bi) O(ci) is valid for all CS except those of GOO T3, JBW T1 & T2, the Fe position of FeS2-Marcasite, and both positions of CaF2(2).

By application of the manipulation techniques (M2) and (M3), it was always possible to obtain O(PL) = 3 for all 390 three-dimensional CS's that were investigated. It is conjectured that this holds for any three-dimensional CS.

In simple cases, such as the f.c.c. or b.c.c. lattices, the elements of the set IT are positive integers. Indeed, it follows from the work of Stanley (1976 & 1980) that if certain conditions are satisfied (one of which is that the set of points in or on the k-th coordination shell is convex), then the IT are necessarily positive. In the present investigation, however, many examples with negative IT elements were encountered. For example, the As position of NiAs(1) has IT = { 1, 4, 12, 10, -5, 2 }, PL = {2, 1, 1 }.

Application of (M2) and (M3)

Since the computation of the CS terms with the recursive reconstruction algorithm requires the whole sequence to be held in memory, major difficulties arise for large period lengths. For example, the determination of the topological density for EUO requires about 3 · M = 422702280 64-bit integers to be stored, a total of about 3.15 gigabytes. However, for the case O(PL) = 3, a special purpose algorithm for computing the CS terms with small memory was devised. This algorithm is several orders of magnitude slower than the simpler recursive reconstruction algorithm, but - in combination with the manipulation techniques (M2) and (M3) - enabled the determination of the topological density even for the largest cases.

Second differences of CS's

The second derivative of a quadratic polynomial is a constant. By analogy, the second differences between successive terms of the CS in a number of examples are constant, or have a constant period. For example, the CS of the SiO2 polymorph tridymite (tri) and the corresponding first (Fk = Nk - Nk-1) and second (Sk = Fk - Fk-1) differences are:

The period length of the second differences is four, as indicated by the parentheses. [Although it is not needed here, it is worth mentioning that Herschel's "circulator" notation provides a convenient terminology for describing such periodic sequences (Comtet, 1974, p. 109).]

The occurrence of a constant period in the second differences implies bi = 0 for the entire (periodic) set of quadratic equations. For example, for ABW some bi are different from zero (see above) and the numerical values of the second differences are not constant. However, their plot (Fig. 5) clearly reveals a periodicity, which can be used to estimate one period length for the recursive decomposition. In this case the period length is three. And indeed, the set of period lengths for ABW is { 3, 3, 1 }.

Figure 5 : Second differences of ABW

Strategy for the determination of the exact topological density

Typically, the determination of the exact topological density (TD) requires the following steps:

  1. Computation from 100 to 2000 terms of the CS with the node-counting algorithm.
  2. Investigation of the second differences: often this reveals one "period length" for the recursive decomposition.
  3. Determination of the period lengths for the recursive decomposition.
  4. Alternative 1: Computation of a few million terms of the CS, search for a periodic set of quadratic equations, and computation of TD from Eq. (2).
    Alternative 2: Computation of k0 via eq. (6), M = LCM(PLc) and the corresponding 3·O(ai) CS terms; computation of one sub-period of ai; computation of TD from Eq. (2).

All but step (3) have been outlined above. For the determination of the period lengths for the recursive decomposition two techniques have been applied:

(a) A set of n maximum period lengths PLmax = {pl(0)max, pl(1)max, ... , pl(n-1)max} is prescribed, and the first position is tested from 1 to pl(0)max. At each pass of the loop, the recursive decomposition algorithm is applied to the CS, followed by a check for a sufficiently large sequence of zeros at the end of the resulting sequence. Also, a linear period seeking algorithm tries to recover a possibly last missing period length. In case of no success, pl(1) is also tested and a loop with two variables, but avoiding permutations, is executed. Unless a solution has been found, more and more loop positions are activated, until the entire set is depleted.

(b) A review of several known PL sets revealed that individual pl often occur in pairs. This observation and the exploitation of properties (P1) and (P2) led to the following strategy: Given a large number of CS terms, attempt to obtain a decomposition using PL = { m, m, m-1, m-1, ..., 2, 2, 1, 1 }.

Upon success, the initial set PL is subjected to manipulation technique (M1), in order to obtain ITc and PLc, the compact form of description of the particular CS.

Example with decomposition technique (a)

For EUO T9, 1460 CS terms were calculated with the node counting algorithm. Investigation of the second differences suggested a pl of 15, which was then applied to the CS. The resulting sequence was processed with PLmax = { 400, 300, 200, 100, 40, 40, 40 } (of course there was no hope that this loop would ever run to completion). At loop position PL = { 391, 286, 40 } the linear period seeking algorithm found a period with length 504. Using the combined set PL = { 504, 391, 286, 40, 15 }, the size of the set IT is 1252. By means of the manipulation technique (M1), the final solution PLc = { 36, 26, 24, 23, 22, 21, 17, 14, 10, 8, 5 } was obtained, together with 222 ITc elements.

Example with decomposition technique (b)

For MAZ T2, 999 CS terms were calculated with the node counting algorithm. Setting PL = { 15, 15, 14, 14, ... , 1, 1 } revealed a solution with 241 IT elements. Using manipulation technique (M1), the final solution PLc = { 14, 11, 10, 8, 7 } with 51 ITc elements was obtained.

Results of the algebraic analysis

For 127 crystal structures, a total of 402 coordination sequences were investigated, of which 390 are unique. For the zeolite structures there are eight sequences which occur in two or more crystallographically different environments:

CAN = AFG T2 = AFG T3 = LIO T2 = LIO T4 = LOS T2

Furthermore, the CS of one atom of -Nd (the position at the origin) is equal to the CS of Mg, and one CS of NiAs(1) (again for the position at the origin) is equal to the CS of W(1).

Tables 3-5 list the results of the algebraic analysis. Column "S" gives the number of different CS's for the structure indicated in the first column. Except for AFG and LIO, which have two different sites with the same CS, this is also the number of crystallographically distinct positions. "O(IT)" and "O(PL)" designate the order of the set of initial terms and period lengths, respectively. For structures with more than one topologically distinct site, the range is given (e.g. EUO: 213-233 initial terms). However, if there are only two values, these are separated by a comma instead of a hyphen (e.g. for EUO, O(PL) is either 10 or 11 for all ten sequences), and in some cases all sets have an equal number of members and only one value is necessary. "M" is the number of quadratic equations which make up the periodic set. "TD", the exact topological density defined by Eq. (2), is given exactly, as a rational fraction multiplied by ND = 3 (TD · ND = <ai>) and, for better comparability, also as decimal number. "TD10" and "%" are defined by equations (7) and (8) below.

All the coordination sequences in this study have been added to the electronically accessible version of (Sloane & Plouffe, 1995) at the address (Sloane, 1994). In this way, the CS can be used as a "fingerprint" to assist in the identification of a crystal structure.

Properties of the coefficients of the quadratic equations

For most of the zeolites with only one or two tetrahedral sites, and for the dense SiO2 polymorphs, the structure of the coefficients of the quadratic equations was investigated. These structures all share one or more of the following characteristics: the parameter a is the same for all terms or shows a shorter period than b and c; the parameter b is zero or shows a shorter period than c; different periods appear for odd and for even values of i; some or all parameters are "palindromic". The following are some typical examples. The most "special" example is SOD. The CS is Nk = 2k2 + 2: 4, 10, 18, 34, , thus a = 2, b = 0, c = 2; the period M is 1. This type of equation also occurs for the structures of NaCl, W and Cu (P, I and F-lattice complexes) with a = 4, 6 and 10, respectively.

A somewhat less special example is AFI. The parameters are a = 21/10, b = 0 for all values of k, and M = 10. The parameter c is palindromic about k = M/2 = 5. This means that c is the same for k = 1 and k = 9; it is also the same for the pairs 2&8, 3&7, and 4&6, respectively. For k = 10, the parameter c is 2. Such palindromic behavior about k = M/2 is frequently observed. An example in which M is odd is KFI with a = 12/7, b = 0 for all k, M = 7, where c is palindromic about k = 3.5 (thus c is the same for the pairs k = 1&6, 2&5, and 3&4, respectively). For the last term of the period (k = 7), c is again 2. Another kind of palindromic behavior may appear if b is not zero: the magnitudes of b and of c are the same for pairs of k as in the previous examples, but the signs of b may differ for the two members of a pair. An example is CAN.

Very often, the parameters a and b are the same for all values of k or show a much shorter period than c. An example is AFY: for site T1 b = 0 for all k, for atom T2, b has period 3 with the values 1/6, -1/6, 0 respectively, while c has a period of 30 if k is odd and 60 if k is even. In the examples mentioned so far, either b itself or the sum of the b's over the period is zero. This is not the case for either atom of milarite: all values of b are negative.

TD as topological invariant

In those cases where the parameter a is not the same for all values of k but is periodic, TD = <ai>/ND (Eq. 2) is the same for all atoms in a framework. A check with two-dimensional nets showed that (after a certain number of spheres) it is even the same if any cluster is chosen as a "starting point". Therefore, for all structures considered in this work, the CS's have been computed and analyzed with all sites in the unit cell as starting cluster. In any case the resulting TD was equal to the TD when starting with only one atom. Thus we conclude that TD is actually a topological invariant of a framework (in general, the parameters a, b, c and M (Eq. 1) are not), comparable to the cycle classes introduced by Beukemann & Klee (1994).

Correlation of TD and TD10

The Atlas of Zeolite Structure Types (1992 & 1996) lists a quantity called the "Topological Density" and denoted by TD10. This is defined to be the average number of nodes (atom sites) in a cluster of topological radius 10, weighted by the multiplicities mj of the s sites:


Using Eq. (3) (TD is the same for all sites of a structure) leads to



The rightmost column of Tables 3-5 (%) lists the percentage deviations of TD10norm from the exact TD. Fig. 6 is a histogram of the distribution of the deviations. For the majority of the structures the deviation is well below 3%, but there are also some outliers. A deviation of more than five percent was found for -CHI and -CLO, two interrupted frameworks, for FAU, and for six of the non-tetrahedral structures. These three zeolites represent relatively open and/or complex structures and one might conclude that more than ten steps are necessary in such cases in order to achieve a satisfactory convergence, but on the other hand very complex structures like PAU and MFI show a very good correlation between the exact topological density and TD10. In view of this, the additional effort necessary to obtain the exact TD seems justified, and previous work based on approximations to the exact value should perhaps be reconsidered.

Figure 6 : Histogram of TD/TD10 correlation (see Tables 3-5)

Consequences for the definition of the coordination sphere

The choice of the bond length (Table 2) determines the network and is a constant matter of debate. The quantities TD and TD10, which reflect long range properties of the framework, may help in choosing a sensible specification for the local environment. As an example, the 8-coordinated network of tungsten (W(1) in Tables 2 and 5) leads to strange values for the densities, while the 14-connected network has densities which fit in the list of metallic structures. The 14-connected network admits the second-longest bonds, which are only 15% longer. A similar geometric situation exists in CaF2, but now the second nearest (also 15% more distant) neighbors of fluorine should not be admitted. They would lead to a values for the densities which differ considerably from those of metals, whereas the lower coordination with only four neighbors brings CaF2 (2) in the vicinity of NaCl, and again related structures stand together.

Some special n-dimensional periodic graphs

The coordination sequence of an n-dimensional graph or net (cf. Wells, 1977) necessarily has O(PL) n.

In one dimension, the simplest periodic graph is a linear chain, for which the CS is 1, 2, 2, , with IT = { 1, 1 }, PL = { 1 }. In two dimensions, the hexagonal net 63 (which occurs for example in the mineral biotite) has the CS 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, , with IT = { 1, 1, 1 }, PL = { 1, 1 }. In three dimensions, as already mentioned, sodalite has IT = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, PL = { 1, 1, 1 }. In a sense, these are the simplest coordination sequences in dimensions 1, 2 and 3.

O'Keeffe (1991b) has generalized these three structures to higher dimensions, defining "n-dimensional sodalites" for all n. He also gives their coordination sequences for n 6. The generating functions of these sequences have been analyzed, and were found to continue the pattern of the first three: the set IT consists of n+1 1's, and PL of n 1's. It is reasonable to conjecture that this holds in general. In a forth-coming paper (Conway & Sloane, submitted) it will be shown that this conjecture is equivalent to the assertion that the points in or on the k-th coordination shell of n-dimensional sodalite are in one-to-one correspondence with the n-dimensional "centered tetrahedral" numbers.


The main objectives of this work were to obtain (i) an exact definition and numerical values for topological densities, which can be used to investigate correlations with other properties of the crystal structures, and (ii) a better understanding of coordination sequences, since these are now frequently used to characterize structures (see for example the novel structure determination technique in Grosse-Kunstleve, 1996). Regarding this aim, we consider our work to be a full success. We have developed a recursive decomposition for the fast and efficient calculation of an arbitrary number of CS terms, and have computed exact numerical values for the topological density, which is an invariant of all the structures investigated.

However, the results are empirical, as there is no rigorous mathematical proof that a generating function of the form (5) must hold for the CS of a periodic structure. The applicability of Eq. (5) has been verified for certain one, two and three-dimensional periodic topologies. In the case of one and two dimensions, the justification is straightforward, but already in three dimensions there are difficulties. But this is a relatively minor point. Once the generating function has been discovered, watching its Taylor series expansion match the CS for hundreds or even thousands of terms carries complete conviction!

Another unresolved question concerns the conditions under which the special numerical properties of the quadratic equations hold.


The help of Uwe Hollerbach at Boston University in running the period search for the coordination sequences of EUO and MFI is very much appreciated.

Literature citations

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Atlas of Zeolite Structure Types (1996). Meier, W.M., Olson, D.H. & Baerlocher, Ch., 4th Ed., Elsevier

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Code S O(IT) O(PL) M TD frac. * 3 = <ai> TD dec. TD10 %
ABW 1 8 3 3 19/9 0.703704 833.0 2.36
AEI 3 36, 45 4 1320, 2640 2309/1320 0.583081 688.7 2.11
AEL 3 29, 33 3 36, 72 497/216 0.766975 903.8 1.91
AET 5 47 - 72 3, 4 168, 336 67/32 0.697917 824.1 2.11
AFG 2(3) 12, 27 3 5, 20 52/25 0.693333 815.5 1.71
AFI 1 13 3 10 21/10 0.7 828.0 2.29
AFO 4 35, 49 3, 4 48 665/288 0.769676 907.4 1.96
AFR 4 62, 85 5, 6 31395, 125580 163664/94185 0.579229 686.7 2.49
AFS 3 39, 52 4, 5 120, 240 273/160 0.56875 655.7 0.34
AFT 3 31 3 420 123/70 0.585714 684.7 1.06
AFX 2 17, 24 3 140 123/70 0.585714 688.5 1.63
AFY 2 19, 20 3, 4 60 22/15 0.488889 585.2 3.46
AHT 2 11, 23 3 8 35/16 0.729167 853.3 1.20
ANA 1 17 3 40 12/5 0.8 933.0 0.87
APC 2 16, 31 3 45, 360 94/45 0.696296 814.0 1.09
APD 2 22, 32 3, 4 231, 1848 526/231 0.759019 887.5 1.12
AST 2 16 4 12 15/8 0.625 742.2 2.68
ATN 1 8 3 3 19/9 0.703704 833.0 2.36
ATO 1 12 3 5 57/25 0.76 894.0 1.73
ATS 3 14 - 19 3 15, 30 48/25 0.64 752.3 1.64
ATT 2 23 4 420 68/35 0.647619 767.7 2.50
ATV 2 20 3 40 49/20 0.816667 960.3 1.70
AWW 2 18, 29 3 63, 504 124/63 0.656085 772.3 1.78
*BEA 9 236 - 257 11, 12 742560 81978419/38785500 0.704545 805.1 1.19
BIK 2 19, 20 5 12 49/18 0.907407 1052.3 0.31
BOG 6 81 - 94 7 16720 113787/57475 0.659922 780.8 2.31
BPH 3 39, 44 4, 5 120 273/160 0.56875 667.3 1.43
BRE 4 64, 67 6 2340 12289/5265 0.778031 900.5 0.10
CAN 1 12 3 5 52/25 0.693333 817.0 1.90
CAS 3 33, 40 5, 6 120 7741/2880 0.895949 1042.3 0.63
CHA 1 11 3 20 17/10 0.566667 677.0 3.28
-CHI 4 103 - 112 8 198968, 397936 153225069/61282144 0.833441 913.3 5.23
-CLO 5 62, 68 4 18480 512/385 0.44329 455.5 11.23
CON 7 96 - 101 7, 8 102960 3105307/1544400 0.670229 784.0 1.15
DAC 4 62 - 65 10 9240 4896737/1940400 0.84119 977.3 0.49
DDR 7 120 - 129 9 55440 39307/15400 0.850801 967.9 1.61
DFO 6 79 - 100 4 53010 15268/8835 0.576042 663.6 0.41
DOH 4 85 - 94 6 120120 145707/55055 0.882191 1001.9 1.77
EAB 2 19, 25 3 210, 420 66/35 0.628571 735.0 1.10
EDI 2 9, 11 3 12 2 0.666667 786.2 1.97
EMT 4 66, 75 4, 5 3360 2071/1400 0.493095 584.0 2.37
EPI 3 44 8 420 89441/35280 0.845059 978.7 0.17
ERI 2 19, 25 3 210, 420 66/35 0.628571 738.3 1.56
EUO 10 213 - 233 10, 11 140900760 395365279/150965100 0.872973 964.9 4.40
FAU 1 15 3 42 10/7 0.47619 579.0 5.09
FER 4 47 - 62 6, 7 420, 840 55921/21000 0.887635 1021.4 0.47
GIS 1 9 3 12 11/6 0.611111 726.0 2.72
GME 1 17 3 140 123/70 0.585714 694.0 2.44
GOO 5 31 - 40 5 420 2032/945 0.716755 840.2 1.37
HEU 5 28 - 40 5 420 4903/2100 0.778254 908.6 0.97
JBW 2 19 4 20 113/50 0.753333 890.3 2.21
KFI 1 10 3 7 12/7 0.571429 681.0 3.03
LAU 3 26, 28 4 1260 622/315 0.658201 782.0 2.73
LEV 2 24 4 210 318/175 0.605714 719.0 2.63
LIO 3(4) 12, 22 3 5, 15 52/25 0.693333 815.7 1.74
LOS 2 12, 17 3 5, 10 52/25 0.693333 816.0 1.77
LOV 3 45 - 54 7 660 34233/15125 0.754446 879.2 0.78
LTA 1 8 3 5 8/5 0.533333 641.0 3.90
LTL 2 25 3 504 13/7 0.619048 746.0 4.20
LTN 4 139 - 177 5 251940, 503880 3384/1615 0.698452 779.2 3.53
MAZ 2 51, 53 5 3080 11271/5390 0.697032 823.0 2.10
MEI 4 110, 121 7, 8 5419260 301573/159390 0.630682 727.9 0.21
MEL 7 74 - 80 7 80080 121417/50050 0.808638 944.1 0.98
MEP 3 88, 91 7 3527160 421222/146965 0.955379 1058.8 4.14
MER 1 10 3 15 28/15 0.622222 738.0 2.55
MFI 12 185 - 235 7, 8 62622560 96965483/39139100 0.825819 959.9 0.53
MFS 8 51 - 76 7, 8 420, 840 127349/49000 0.86632 994.8 0.68
MON 1 26 5 12 287/108 0.885802 1033.0 0.87
MOR 4 93 - 95 8 32760 298988/124215 0.80234 938.3 1.14
MTN 3 58, 60 6 1560 4522/1625 0.92759 1049.1 2.17
MTT 7 118 - 135 9 13860 17672791/6670125 0.883181 1015.0 0.60
MTW 7 77 - 86 8, 9 13860 3194357/1372140 0.776004 911.7 1.61
NAT 2 27, 29 3, 4 24 20/9 0.740741 834.2 2.61
NES 7 104 - 124 7 159390 352325/143451 0.818688 922.1 2.59
NON 5 85 - 98 8 32760, 65520 321277/117000 0.915319 1037.5 1.96
OFF 2 19 3 210 66/35 0.628571 739.0 1.65
-PAR 4 49 - 58 7, 8 6930, 13860 518384/259875 0.664915 773.2 0.55
PAU 8 29 - 44 3 77, 154 144/77 0.623377 728.1 0.99
PHI 2 23, 28 4 60 143/75 0.635556 750.5 2.10
RHO 1 8 3 5 8/5 0.533333 641.0 3.90
-ROG1 3 46, 55 5, 6 240 1063/600 0.590556 690.0 1.01
-RON 4 54, 63 6 240 7441/3600 0.688981 771.1 3.23
RSN 5 83, 90 9 8580 5570407/2359500 0.786947 913.6 0.40
RTE 3 20, 23 4 420 451/210 0.715873 844.3 1.99
RTH 4 53, 61 7, 8 8190, 16380 384632/184275 0.695757 816.7 1.51
RUT 5 74 - 80 8, 9 4680 1293083/561600 0.767499 902.1 1.65
SGT 4 68 - 81 6, 7 120 13979/5400 0.862901 962.2 3.56
SOD 1 4 3 1 2 0.666667 791.0 2.60
STI 4 40 - 43 5 1560 2107/975 0.720342 851.9 2.27
THO 3 9 - 15 3 12, 24 2 0.666667 784.2 1.71
TON 4 38 - 51 6 60, 120 1951/750 0.867111 1005.7 0.32
VET 5 83 - 92 8, 9 3276, 6552 544799/198744 0.913737 1023.4 3.12
VFI 2 24, 37 3 56, 112 27/16 0.5625 668.7 2.77
VNI 7 254 - 283 11, 12 16432416 611375421655/227293178112 0.896603 971.0 6.33
VSV 3 48, 55 6 60 1227/500 0.818 948.1 0.24
WEI 2 20 4 12 425/216 0.655864 773.4 1.96
-WEN 3 29, 34 3, 4 770, 2310 148/77 0.640693 755.0 1.89
YUG 2 22, 25 4, 5 105, 420 754/315 0.797884 935.0 1.35
ZON 4 48, 56 4 9660 328/161 0.679089 797.7 1.57
Table 3 : Results for topologies listed in the Atlas of Zeolite Structure Types (1992 & 1996)
1 The structure type code -ROG has been discredited (see IZA Structure Commission Report, 1994) and is included only for completeness.

Mineral S O(IT) O(PL) M TD frac. * 3 = <ai> TD dec. TD10 %
Banalsite 2 12 3 12 17/6 0.944444 1053.0 3.56
Coesite 2 36, 40 6 420 1363/378 1.20194 1318.5 5.10
Cordierite 2 26, 35 5 60, 120 279/100 0.93 1058.3 1.57
Cristobalite 1 5 3 2 5/2 0.833333 981.0 1.82
Feldspar 2 8, 10 3 3 20/9 0.740741 874.0 2.04
Keatite 2 34, 35 4 120 81/25 1.08 1225.7 1.82
Milarite 2 22, 27 3 120 21/8 0.875 1004.2 0.73
Moganite 2 8, 10 3 3 22/9 0.814815 958.3 1.72
Paracelsian 1 8 3 5 11/5 0.733333 864.0 1.89
Quartz 1 9 3 6 19/6 1.05556 1231.0 0.89
Scapolite 2 31, 33 5 252 941/378 0.829806 975.0 1.62
Tridymite 1 7 3 4 21/8 0.875 1027.0 1.52
Table 4 : Results for dense SiO2 polymorphs

Formula S O(IT) O(PL) M TD frac. * 3 = <ai> TD dec. TD10 %
CaF2 (2) 2 7 3 2 15/4 1.25 1487.7 2.97
CaF2 (1) 2 8, 10 3 3, 6 80/9 2.96296 3410.3 0.38
NaCl 1 4 3 1 4 1.33333 1561.0 1.30
FeS2-Mar. 2 10, 16 4 6, 12 47/12 1.30556 1523.7 0.98
FeS2-Pyr. 2 7, 13 3 2, 4 9/2 1.5 1716.3 0.99
NiAs (2) 2 5, 7 3 2, 4 9/2 1.5 1748.0 0.84
NiAs (1) 2 4, 6 3 1, 2 6 2 2325.0 0.61
Cu 1 4 3 1 10 3.33333 3871.0 0.52
Mg 1 5 3 2 21/2 3.5 4061.0 0.43
W (2) 1 4 3 1 12 4 4641.0 0.43
W (1) 1 4 3 1 6 2 2331.0 0.87
-Nd 2 5, 7 3 2, 4 21/2 3.5 4058.0 0.36
Ni2In 2 7 3 6 11 3.66667 4251.0 0.35
-Mn 4 95, 102 6 17160 1562201/102960 5.05763 5354.5 8.36
Cr3Si 2 15, 17 3, 4 12 187/12 5.19444 5579.5 7.02
-CrFe 5 162 - 184 11 6846840 1829724773/112972860 5.39871 5609.5 10.06
MgZn2 3 38, 52 5, 6 315, 630 3978/245 5.41224 5704.3 8.76
MgCu2 2 18, 19 6 12 2371/144 5.48843 5788.3 8.71
MgNi2 5 61 - 83 7 - 9 210, 840 123787/7350 5.61392 5800.7 10.55
Table 5 : Results for selected non-tetrahedral structures

1 Present address: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road, Mail Stop 4-230, Berkeley, CA 94720

2 The Atlas of Zeolite Structure Types is available on the World-Wide-Web at

Ralf W. Grosse Kunstleve <>
Neil J. A. Sloane

Acta Crystallographica Section A, Volume A52 (1996), pages 879-889.
Web publication with the kind permisson of the IUCr.

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