N. J. A. Sloane: Links

Best links. Last modified June 16 2016


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Jean-Paul Allouche | Joerg Arndt | Brian Arthur | Alexei Ashikhmin | Ed Assmus | Michael Baake | Christine Bachoc | John Baez | Eva Bayer | Toby Berger | Dan Bernstein | Jean Berstel | Koichi Betsumiya | Juergen Bierbrauer | Alexis Bonnecaze | Richard Borcherds | Jon Borwein | Peter Borwein | Henry Bottomley | Louis de Branges | Andries Brouwer | Kevin Brown's Math Pages | Marc Le Brun | Andreas Buja | Dick Bumby | Robert Calderbank | Chris Caldwell | Cris Calude | Peter Cameron | Jilyana Cazaran | Greg Chaitin | Robin Chapman | Frederic Chapoton | Bill Cheswick | Fan Chung | Andrew Clarke | Benoit Cloitre | Jim Coates | Henri Cohen | Henry Cohn | Charlie Colbourn | Jacob Collins | Di Cook | Raymond Coulangeon | Maurice Craig | Susanna Cuyler | Patrick De Geest | Creighton Dement | Peter Doyle | Iwan Duursma | William Eddy | Yves Edel | Noam Elkies | Laura Fainsilber | Kai-Tai Fang | Steven Finch | Thomas Fink | Philippe Flajolet | David Forney | Aviezri Fraenkel | Erich Friedman | Joel Friedman | Ch. Frougny | Zoltan Furedi | Philippe Gaborit | Tom Gettys | James Gleick | Sheldon Goldstein | Sol Golomb | K. Gopalakrishnan | Bill Gosper | Ron Graham | Andrew Granville | Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve | Aaron Gulliver | Tony Guttmann | Richard Guy | Marc Gysin | Masaaki Harada | Tom Hales | Bill Hatcher | Hans Havermann | Samad Hedayat | Nadia Heninger | Dean Hickerson | Gerald Hoehn | Douglas Hofstadter | Daniel Huson | Celina Imielinska | David Jaffe | Iwan Jensen | Bill Kantor | Robert G. Kennedy III | Scott Kim | Clark Kimberling | Manny Knill | Ken Knowlton | Donald Knuth | Tom Körner | Yasutoshi Kohmoto | Vaclav Kosevec | Don Kreher | Aloys Krieg | Jeff Lagarias | Simon Litsyn | Laszlo Lovasz | Colin Mallows | Jacques Martinet | Robert McEliece | Brendan McKay | Marcus Meringer | Gary Mullen | Akihiro Munemasa | Gabriele Nebe | Craig Nevill-Manning | Sam Northshield | Andrew Odlyzko | Michael O'Keeffe | Tomas Oliveira e Silva | Patric Ostergård | Ed Palmer | Christos Papadimitiriou | Clifford Pickover | Richard Pinch | Vera Pless | Simon Plouffe | Eric Rains | S. Ramanujan (1) (2) (3) | Warut Roonguthai | Bernhard Runge | Masa-Hiko Saito | Attila Sali | Jennifer Seberry | Robert Sedgewick | Sergio Servetto | Simone Severini | Jeffrey Shallit (2) | James Shearer | Peter Shor | David Siegel | Torsten Sillke | Steven Skiena | Nils-Peter Skoruppa | Ian Sloan | Warren Smith | Len Soicher | Michael Somos | Richard Stanley | Ken Stephenson | Doug Stinson | D. P. Story | John Stufken | Vladimir Tonchev | John Turner | D. Van Melkebeek | Jack van Wijk | Brigitte Vallée | Samuel Vriezen (1) (2) | Thann Ward | Victor Wei | Eric Weisstein | Herb Wilf | Allan Wilks | David B. Wilson | Peter Winkler | Jay Wood | Nick Wormald | Aaron Wyner | Henry Wynn | Raymond Yeung | Jessica Millar Young | John Young | Neal Young | Doron Zeilberger | Paul Zimmermann | Livio Zucca

Organizations, etc.

ABT | ACS | AMS | APS | ASA | CMS | CNN | CWA | DIMACS | DMV | FamilySearch | IEEE | IT Soc | IT Trans | LMS | MAA | Match | MFO | NAE | Nobel | NYT | OnePass | SIGACT | SMF | UAL | ZPG | | Bordeaux | Caltech | Chicago | Columbia | Cornell | Harvard | Mich. | MIT | NYU | Penn 1 2 | Princeton 1 2 3 4 | Rutgers 1 2 3 4 | Exp. Math. Sem. | Scotch | Stanford | U. Melb. | UC Berkeley | UCLA | UCSD | Univ. list 1 2 3 | Yale | | ABE | AddAll | Amazon | B&N | Bibliofind | BigWords | Book Collector | BookFinder | Bookpool | Buy | CDnow | Choosebooks | CircuitCity | ClassBook | Cody's | DealTime | Directtextbook | Ecampus | Efollett | EveryCD | Fatbrain | FetchBook | FatWallet | Fnac | Galda | MedSite | MySimon | Nextag | Powells | Priceline | Textbooks | ValueAmerica | Varsity Books | Wonder Book | 21NorthMain | | Birkhauser | CUP | Elsevier | Fabrica | OUP | Peters | Springer | | Expedia | Travelocity | Travel-Ascending | | F-secure

Eternal Home Page

Eternal Home Page (my 1996 proposal, still not implemented) || Partially related sites: arXiv E-print Server | IMU | Internet Archive | Long Now || See also: Company Plans Video-Playing Tombstones | Celebrate A Life | Legacy.com | Living Tributes | ObitDetails.com (described here and here) seems no longer to exist | obits.com | Obituary Central | Obituary Links | Paz Eterna | World Wide Cemetery | Church of Latter-Day Saints Genealogical Database


Action-Asia | AAC | AAC-NY | ACC | Access Fund | BMC | Boreal | CAF | CDA | Climbing Archive [broken link?] | Climbing Dutchman | Climbing magazine | CMA | CMC | "Freeclimbing" (1) (2), (3) | French climbing | GPS coords | Gripped | Gunks | James Bootcamp | Knots | Mazamas | Mile End | Mother Rock | Mt. Blanc | New England bouldering | NH climbing | NJ Guide | NJ Rock Gym | NPS | NY-NJ Trail Conf. | NYC Climbers Club | Outing Club | Petzl | Pole | Princeton Outdoor Club | Rock+Ice | Rock Climbing HQ | RockFax | Rocklist | Seattle Mtnrs | Shorewalkers | Skirando | Spelean | La Sportiva | Tuan's page | UK Crags | Vieux Campeur | Wall St | WV Climbing | Yoga J. | Yosemite | 8a.nu


LaMonte Young, Well-Tuned Piano

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