Sphere Packing, Lattices and Groups

by J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloane


Quotes from Reviews

The review by Gian-Carlo Rota, in Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 84, Number 1, Nov. 1990, p. 136, reads, in full: ``This is the best survey of the best work in one of the best fields of combinatorics, written by the best people. It will make the best reading by the best students interested in the best mathematics that is now going on.''

The review by G. David Forney, Jr., in the IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol. 36, July 1990, pp. 955-956 concludes with: ``What is so often said in book reviews happens to be precisely true here: this book will be an essential reference for anyone whose work involves lattices for the forseeable future. There is nothing else like it, and as an intellectual accomplishment it is breathtaking.''


ISBN: 0-387-98585-9
Series: Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenshaften, Volume 290; lxiv + 703 pp.

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